All Of Your Friends Are Dead is a turn-based strategy game, but with only one unit. Why, you ask? Because All Of Your Friends Are Dead. They were all killed by the appropriately (and very originally) named Death Knight.

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Since I hadn't the time to put much information inside the game itself, here's some instructions and useful advice (sorry for the wall of text):

  • You are the blue person. You and the enemies take turns to move and attack. Click on yourself to highlight the spaces you can move to in blue. Click on a blue space to move there, and bring up a menu to choose a command to perform there.
  • Select Attack to attack an enemy in an adjacent space. Spaces which you can attack enemies in but not move to are highlighted in red. After you attack the enemy, they will counter-attack. After that, your turn ends.
  • Select Interact to interact with something in an adjacent space. The game will tell you when interacting does something useful. After interacting, your turn ends.
  • Select Item to use an item from your inventory. Using a weapon will equip that weapon. Using an HP Potion will restore 15 HP. After using an item, your turn ends.
  • Select Wait to do nothing and end your turn.
  • Select Cancel to move to a different space.
  • After your turn ends, any nearby enemies will move towards you and will attack if adjacent to you.
  • If your HP drops to 0, you must restart the level. You will keep any XP and levels, though.
  • You can click and drag to move the camera.
  • If you hover over a tile, information about it will appear. You should pay attention to this text, as it may be important.
  • If you hover over yourself or an enemy, various stats are shown.
  • Enemy resistances are shown in this order: Sword, Lance, Axe, Fire, Thunder, Wind.
  • You will start the game with an Iron Sword and 3 HP Potions.
  • After each battle, you are given the opportunity to buy items at the shop using cash obtained by killing enemies.
  • You can only carry 8 items at a time.
  • To beat the game, kill the Death Knight.
  • There are 4 levels:
    • The first level is along a river bank and is fairly straightforward.
    • The second level is a desert with lots of sand dunes. Sometimes, wind can blow away those sand dunes.
    • The third level is the garden of the Death Knight's castle. There are many wooden barricades and hedges here.
    • The fourth level is the Death Knight's chamber. There are strange electric doors and thick cobwebs in here, each guarding powerful enemies.

And finally, a weapon damage table:

Iron Sword
Iron Lance
Iron Axe
Steel Sword
Steel Lance
Steel Axe

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